Sunday 15th August 2021

Sunday 15th August 2021

Seize the day

Psalm 111
Ephesians 5:15-20

A young soldier and his commanding officer boarded a train. The only available seats were across from an attractive young woman who was traveling with her elderly grandmother. As they engaged in pleasant conversation, the soldier and the young woman kept eyeing one another, the attraction was obviously mutual. Suddenly the train went into a tunnel. And the car became pitch black.  Immediately two sounds were heard.  The “smack” of a kiss followed by the "whack" of a slap across the face.

The grandmother thought "I can't believe he kissed my granddaughter. but I'm glad she gave him a slap That he deserved." The commanding officer thought, "I don't blame the boy for kissing girl, but it's a shame that she missed his face… and hit me instead." The young girl thought, "I'm glad he kissed me, but I wish my grandmother… hadn't slapped him for doing it." As the train broke into the sunlight the soldier could not wipe the smile off his face.  He had just seized the opportunity. to kiss a pretty girl and slap his commanding officer, and he had gotten away with both!

Now, that young soldier knew how to seize an opportunity He knew how to Seize the Day! Much In the same way. we must take advantage of every opportunity that comes our way to seize the day.

Unfortunately, so often we get so, caught up in the details of day to day living that we just do not seem to have the time or make the time to seize the day. We have deadlines and commitments, problems, and priorities, distractions and obstacles. And though we really want greater fulfilment in life it just seems to be just outside of our grasp. No one wants life to be just average. By nature, we want our lives to be full.  Full and prosperous.

Paul shares these words with the Believers gathered in Ephesus and to us this day: "15 Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, 16 making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. 17 Therefore do not be foolish but understand what the will of the Lord is. " Ephesians 5:15-17

Throughout history, God has shown himself in and through relationship with His people. And In the incarnation, God became more than words.

The Word himself Jesus Christ The Word made Flesh entered this world. (John 1:14) And Jesus The Word made flesh gave His disciples and us today both power and a vision.

In a way a picture to help us live this glorious life. Jesus could have simply given His disciples power, yet He spent three years "disciplining" them Modelling the life that He intended them to live.

Jesus actions were the example. The picture for us to model in our own lives. Many have rejected the church because of the actions of those who claim to be followers of this Jesus. It is very sad, very painful, but true. Much of the world is not interested in Christianity.  It rejects Christianity because far too many who call themselves Christians are not known as a people who live what they say.

The Truth is, Until we move beyond superficial faith, we will not experience supernatural living.

What picture does Jesus give us as we look at his life and as we listen to his words? Folks, Jesus loved the unlovable. Jesus forgave the unforgivable. Jesus reached out to the untouchable.

A few years ago, now a bombing took place in Oklahoma City. Across the street from the bombed out Federal Building, where 168 people died there stands a memorial. And At the heart of that memorial is a nine-foot statue of Jesus. A statue of Jesus with his face in his hands, turned slightly away from where the acts of terror took place, and the plaque simply reads, "And Jesus Wept." How do you picture Jesus in your life? How do you picture in your heart All that He has done for you?

Story.  A young father said When I was a small boy, I was consistently late for dinner. One particular day he said my parents sternly warned me to be on time, yet I arrived later than ever. I found my parents already seated at the table, just about to begin eating.  Quickly I sat at my place, and then noticed what was set before me.  A slice of bread and a glass of water.

There was silence as I sat and stared at the plate. Slowly…. I saw my father's hand reach over, pick up my plate and set it before himself. Then his dad placed his own full plate in front of his son, smiling warmly as he made the exchange. When the young boy became a man. he said: "All my life I've known what God was like… by what my father did. that night." We too are to emulate Jesus. We are to emulate the one we call Saviour and Lord with our lives. We are called to be changed into his image. Yes. A great assignment But Jesus also promised us the power to do it. Remember Jesus Words to his disciples: " Do not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait there for the promise of the Father. "This," he said, "is what you have heard from me for John baptized with water. but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now." Acts 1:4-5

He went on to say "……you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses… in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." (Acts 1:8-9) Jesus promised us the power to fulfil His mission. Folks, we are Christ followers.  We are not Christ fans. Fans sit on the side-lines.  Followers get on the field. of play. Followers are in the midst of the action. Men and women of action, Men and Women of the Cross ready to seize each opportunity to seize each and every day.

A man once told his wife that he never wanted to live in a vegetative state. dependent upon a machine. He said, "If that ever happens to me, I want you… to pull the plug." So, she immediately got upend unplugged the television!

Are you in a vegetative state …or are you in the field of play experiencing the Power of the Holy Spirit? We are to pick up this book, (Lift the Bible) and live and live as Jesus lived. We are to evaluate our lives, our relationships our actions and reactions, our priorities and resources. in the light of our relationship to God and His Word.

For all the busyness in each of our lives. "Are you getting …anywhere?" "Are you going …anywhere?"   "Is there a purpose for it all?"  Purpose gives meaning to our lives. It gives one the ability to say, "I know why I am doing what I am doing!"

And the Question needs to be asked: Are you living or are you just existing?

There is a difference; there is a tremendous difference there is an eternal difference.  Sadly, far too many are just existing they are not truly living life. So many wake-up and follow the same routine every day. They go about their busyness, but they have no real sense of purpose, no real sense of value. Their happiness their fulfilment of life depends largely on others, on circumstances. If they were completely honest, they would admit that inside, they are empty they are not filled to the brim with life. Now I am not saying that we all need to live lives of liberality, with a new, wild change every day.

However, we can learn to live lives that are full, rather than being content with just "being." Of living in a vegetative state of just "existing." We can learn from our short falls and from our failures and leave them behind, lest they be a yoke around your neck. "My yoke is easy .and my burden is light… says the Lord." (Matthew 11:28-30)

Live in love, and love to live!  Live in God's Love.  Make the most out of this one life he has given you. It is time to stop telling God how big your problems are and to start telling your problems how big your God is.

We can learn to stop existing and to start living. To Seize the Day. We are called to Deny self and follow to Jesus. We are to make Jesus our life song. We are to Seize every opportunity. To Seize each and every Day. We are called not to be fans but to be followers of Jesus. Be filled to the brim. Be filled to overflowing with life.

It is time.  It is time …to get off the side-line.

It is time to Seize the Day and let Jesus be Lord of every aspect of your life.

It is time to Seize the Day.


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